Friday, November 12, 2010

You are my Inspiration

No one exists without a reason. At times we I remain attracted to only a small group of people, this is imprisoning the mind. Any person can inspire me, even those I may consider dull and ignorant.
The way a person speaks,walks,smiles,talks,winks,laughs....and the uniqueness in each of these processes blends to form a world of varieties
Listen to others keenly,watch them with a purpose,dont ignore anyone.This can only happen by acknowledging that I need others as they need me.Whoever I dismiss,I deny myself of a learning opportunity.
A wonderful world is created by people who are ready to appreciate everyone, who have the right attitude in their approach to others.
What a beautiful way to put it across other than the wisdom of desiderata,
"Listen to the dull and the ignorant,they to have their story."
You who is reading this,you are my inspiration. A single word or thought from you will be life to me.

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